Saturday, November 6, 2010

Doc's Advice #6: The M392 Designated Marksman Rifle

Greetings, Reachers. Today's topic has been utilized by most likely all Reachers. I am talking about the DMR. The DMR is Halo: Reach's Battle Rifle. It, the Magnum, and the Assault Rifle, are probably the most commonly used weapons in the game. So, I want to familiarize y'all with this weapon.

Its official name is the M392 Designated Marksman Rifle. It is semi-automatic with a magazine size of 15 rounds and a max ammo size of 60 rounds. The accuracy for it is relatively high and the damage per bullet is decent. Basically, it's the in between gun of the Assault Rifle and the Sniper.

So, how do you use it. Here are some basic tips. The DMR is set up so you can kill a Spartan with full shields in MJOLNIR armor with 5 shots, provided the last shot is to the head. Thus, theoretically, you can get 3 kills in a Matchmaking game per magazine. Also, if you are in a one v one battle, strafing is key. You don't want to be standing still allowing an enemy to just keep firing rounds in your head. Also, it has been proven that if you crouch while shooting, the shots are more accurate when shot in rapid fire. What I mean is that when you shoot a DMR, the reticule - the circle that shows where you are aiming - blooms out when a shot is fired then slowly returns to the original size, meaning that the farther the reticule has bloomed out the less accurate the shots. If you crouch while shooting, the reticule does not bloom out as much, meaning more accuracy. So, I believe you should crouch for your first two shots, get a couple of nice, well placed shots in, then proceed to strafe, avoid enemy bullets, and get the kill.

So I say to you all. Have fun using your Designated Marksman Rifle. Use these techniques to improve your gameplay experience and make you better.

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