Friday, October 29, 2010

Doc's Advice #2: The Name Game

Bonjour, Reachers. Doc here. Today's advice deals with an important part of Halo: the gamertag.

There's an old segment from Family Guy called "What Really Grinds My Gears". In this scene, Peter basically vents about something kind of odd that really gets under his skin, what truly bothers him.

I have one of those pet peeves. You know what really grinds my gears - gamertags with numbers for letters and x's in on places. How many times have y'all seen this scenario? In your game lobby, you see names like "Pr0xSn1p3r" or xXx A5sa5s1n xXx". Oh my gosh, you have no idea how much this bugs me. First off, it does not come off as cool or awesome as some believe. "Oh man, look, my name has Pr0 and five x's in it. That means I'm amazing at this game." Uh, no it doesn't. It means you think you are all that and a bag of chips, but really you just have struggled with thinking of an original name. Honestly, come up with actual words in the dictionary or something. If someone has already taken your favorite name, don't try to compensate by replacing an e with a 3 or adding x's everywhere. It look ridiculous. At least for me, it's kind of fun pronouncing each name as literal as possible over the mic then hearing the responses to poke fun at these p30p13 (see how weird that is). Example - "Uh oh, it's 3 lit 3 x ki 11 er, everyone watch out". They respond "Excuse me, it's Elite Killer, and you better bring it!". I end it with the smart-allicky retort of "Yeah, and you better get a dictionary" then mute 'em. Thus I ensure that I get the last word because, it's simple, the one with the last word wins.

So, I say to y'all. Please no x's or numbers for letters in your gamertag. I realize that I am being kind of mean. I know that their are people who like the numbers and x's. If you like it, you are more than welcome to have your gamertag be that way. It's just not for me, not my fancy. My favorites are the random adjective-noun combos like "Rabid Walrus" or something similar like that. Even names that include your own name or initials are fine with me. For example, my gamertag is "drew is my name". It's simple, semi-unoriginal, but I like it. It gets the point across, it's clever and unique, and I feel like everyone who plays with me has learned something about me. So go on, Reachers. Play the game with a decent name.


  1. Actually, I think it is cool to have Xs and numbers in your name. it lets fellow gamers know you are ready to game. i guess i was wrong about yall i thought yall appreciated gamers. Apparently not,

  2. Pretty big "slippery slope" logical fallacy you got going here Mr. Sn0wviper. Just because personally I don't like names with numbers and x's does not mean I don't appreciate gamers. It's just a personal opinion. I don't prefer names like yours. You are more than welcome to have that name, I'm just not going to like it. It all comes down to what you like because the opinion that matters the most is your own. Thus, if you like your name than play with it. I'm just one person with a belief. And by no means am I disrespecting gamers.
